Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Tulisan 5

Tulisan 5

Safe Ways To Avoid of Vegetable and Fruit Berpestisida

Findings dr. James Bower, a neurologist from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, said that exposure to pesticides and chemicals in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk of Parkinson's.

He explains, parkinsonism is not caused by one thing only. But pesticides are one of the many triggers of the disease.

Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease resulting in muscle stiffness and difficulty moving. The main symptoms such as impaired motor and cognitive suffered as legendary boxer Muhammad Ali.

"Components of pesticides can damage brain cells and lead to decreased levels of dopamine in the brain," said Anwar. This results in disturbances in the brain that regulate movement.

Not just strike a nerve, which caused complaints of food containing pesticides are diarrhea and headache, hormonal damage, skin disorders, and cancer.

Pesticides enter the human body through vegetables and fruits. Currently, the behavior of farmers in using pesticides to kill pests are not controlled, both in terms of dosage and frequency of use. As a result, the content of pesticides in vegetables and fruits are widely consumed today's society is very high.

"Although (vegetables and fruits) are washed, but because the dose is high, there are types of pesticides that are not easily soluble in water, and into the body," he said. These substances then pile up in the body and damage the nerve cells.

What are the vegetables and fruits are susceptible to pesticides?
Green vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, apples, strawberries and some other kinds of shelled fruit is not susceptible to pesticide residues.

To reduce the danger of exposure to pesticides, some tips that can be taken:

1. If you are able, organic fruit and vegetable consumption. Principles of organic agriculture that relies on natural ingredients without the use of synthetic chemicals, can reduce pesticide exposure on the human body. Unfortunately, the price of organic vegetables is still very expensive, and not affordable by most people.

2. Grow their own vegetables and fruits to be consumed. This is the most efficient way to eat organic fruits and vegetables. "Although only a few pages at home, it does not hurt utilized to grow vegetables," said the researchers in the field of ecology. Of course, the vegetables should be treated naturally by using manure and pesticides should not be sprayed.

3. Hydroponic growing vegetables is a good way to produce healthy vegetables. Only hydroponic system using a planting medium water and nutrients to the roots. Because hydroponic systems prohibits plants exposed to water, of course prohibited from using pesticide spraying.

4. If you do not want to grow crops, be careful when choosing vegetables and fruits. Vegetables that have leaves that are eaten by caterpillars actually better than fresh vegetables without the slightest bites caterpillar. "The leaves are eaten by caterpillars show these vegetables do not contain pesticides. In contrast, fruits and vegetables that look fresh and not disabled it contains pesticides, "said public health experts.

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